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Sunday 6 January 2013

Natural Bandage

An article I found online is attempted to determine the effectiveness of egg membranes as a new biological dressing to promote infection-free healing and provide pain relief. It sounds little bit wierd, but Yes egg membranes can be used to stop bleeding and prevent the wounds until you get to emergency room for medical attention. 

While the Egg membrane protects the chicken embryo wall during its grooving process, this thin tissue is containing mainly glycoprotein without cellular components. Therefor the eggshell membrane is not taken up by the wound and theoretically could be a good material for skin donor units coverage. It appeared that the parts coated with egg membrane were the ones who healed most recently. 

Results of this study showed that the egg membrane may be an ideal skin graft donor bandage, as it possesses qualities of pain relief, wound protection, promotion of healing, and low cost comparing to all the other medical treatments applied.

if you don't have any sterile bandages on hand it's an alternative worth considering. It might be difficult to remove the membrane from shell for first time, so give it a try.

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